Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grating about Exam 2010

Problem mid information systems:
1. Explain the role of information systems
 Participate in the implementation of automation tasks
 Linking planning, execution, and control in a subsystem
 Coordinate subsystems
 Integrate subsystems.

2. Mention levels of management and use of information

4. A. Describe the architecture distributed,, b. peer to peer


5. Mention at least four characteristics of the SPT (transaction processing system)
 The amount of data being processed is very large
 Sources of internal and output data are generally intended primarily for internal parties (although it could be for partners)
 Information processing carried out on a regular basis: daily, weekly, etc.
 The capacity of storage (database) of
 High-speed processing required for large volumes
 Generally, monitor and collect data of the past
 Input and output structured. Given the data that is processed fairly stable, the data is formatted in a standard
 High Level of detail easily visible, especially at the input, but often also on the output
 Computing is not complicated (using a simple mathematical or statistical operations)
 Requires high reliability
 Processing of requests is a necessity. Users can make requests to the database

6. Explain the differences in batch and online processing?
Pemrosesan Batch

Pemrosesan Online

Pemrosesan transaksi

Data transaksi direkam, dikumpulkan, dan diurutkan, dan diproses secara periodis

Transaksi diproses seketika

Pemutakhiran berkas

Ketika tumpukan diproses

Saat transaksi diproses

Waktu tanggapan

Beberapa jam atau hari setelah tumpukan dikirim untuk diproses

Beberapa detik setelah setiap transaksi diproses

Characteristics of Batch Processing
Online Processing

Transaction processing
Transaction data is recorded, collected and sorted, and processed periodically
Transactions are processed immediately

Update the file
When the stack is processed
When the transaction is processed

Response time
A few hours or days after the pile sent for processing
A few seconds after each transaction processed

7. Mention and describe the kinds of decisions on the DSS?
 Decision structured (structured decision),
 Decision semistructured (semistructured decision)
 Decision unstructured (unstructured decision)

8. What is an executive information system (EIS)?
A section that provides information for eksekuif mengnai company's overall performance.

In building EIS executives use some basic knsep aimed at enabling executives to monitor how well knerja company achieve its goals.

9. What is the final pemakaia computing (EUC)?
Environment that enables the wearer can directly resolve their own problems against the need for information

10. Explain the reasons for the growth of EUC?
 IT Services Department to request the user will be less responsive to information needs
 PC Trends and supporting hardware are getting cheaper and can be connected easily to the database server
 Support software is increasingly easy to use by end users

11. What is meant by information management?
All activities related to the acquisition of information, use information as effectively as possible, and also the disposal of the information (which is not useful anymore) at the right time (McLeod, 1998)


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